This website contains information and links relevant to the sustainable development of the Lao PDR rural road network and in particular to the effective application of current DFID funded projects under the South East Asian Community Access Programme (SEACAP). The SEACAP initiative addresses the issue of poverty reduction in rural areas through improved access of rural communities to social and economic opportunities. The aim is to identify and mainstream local and sustainable solutions to the problem of providing appropriate and secure levels of access for rural (often isolated) communities..


SEACAP is a poverty-targeted transport initiative primarily funded by DFID but has close links with regional Governments, World Bank; Asian Development Bank; European Union and the United Nations. SEACAP provides funding for applied research to solve rural access problems; for communicating information on research outcomes to stakeholders and for mainstreaming solutions. SEACAP identifies and supports the uptake of low cost appropriate proven solutions for rural access that are focused the need of the rural poor and in doing so aims to maximise the use of local resources of labour, materials, enterpriseand ingenuity.

SEACAP builds on existing knowledge, but also provides a research resource for filling gaps in knowledge, particularly in the local environment. Mainstreaming ensures that these solutions are accepted, adopted and applied on a large scale. This involves a process of participatory workshops, guideline development, demonstrations, dissemination, training and implementation. SEACAP is currently supporting a number projects in Lao PDR in partnership with the Government of Lao through the MPKT and its Department of Roads. These include:

SEACAP 03: Appropriate Low Volume Rural Road Standards and Specifications

SEACAP 17: Local Resource Solutions to Rural Road Access in Lao PDR

SEACAP 21 Slope Stabilisation Trials on RoutesNo. 13 NORTH & No. 7